Improving everyday living
Ansatte og arbeidsmiljø
Ekornes recognizes that its employees are the group’s most important resource. The Group therefore wants to promote a healthy, safe and fair working environment, offering equal opportunities regardless of gender, ethnicity or religion, in line with prevailing legislation and regulations. The Group’s policy states that Ekornes shall act as a responsible enterprise and operate within all relevant laws, regulations and to strict ethical standards. Ekornes clearly states, both internally and externally, that the company endeavours to comply with the UN’s Global Compact’s ten principles. This policy is presented in on the websites and available for all stakeholders (Ekornes Ethical values and anti corruption policy). Our main PEOPLE goal is to enhance the life quality for the people around us and building better local communities.

Ekornes prioriterer sikkerheten til sine ansatte høyt og har som målsetting null arbeidsrelaterte personskader.
The working environment is considered to be good, and efforts for improvements are made on an ongoing basis. Group climate survey will be performed during 2022. The Group’s various working environment committees held regular meetings in 2021. Several issues have been discussed in the committees, which have resulted in recommendations of improvements to the related departments.
The cooperation with employee trade unions has been constructive and contributed positively to operations.
Improving diversity and inclusion throughout the group is becoming a higher priority in a globalized workforce where firms compete for a new generation of talent that views diversity as the norm, not the exception, and where more diverse teams can deliver greater success.
Ekornes places great emphasis on meeting the objective of the Norwegian Anti-Discrimination Act and the Norwegian Anti-Discrimination and Accessibility Act (Likestillings- og diskrimineringsloven). Through physical access and the formation of work tasks, working hours and workplaces, the company has conducted arrangements to enable people with disabilities to enjoy equal treatment and provide individual adaptation. Providing individual adaptation is also contributing to lower absentee rates. One way of providing individual adaptation is through the Green working stations. These working stations are designed for eased work for employees with smaller disabilities.
Ekornes has Inclusive Working Life agreements for all Norwegian entities for the period 2019–2022. The Inclusive Working Life scheme stems from a tripartite agreement between employers’ organizations, trade unions and the government, to make it possible for everyone who is able and willing to work. Ekornes has an active goal to have zero impositions from external controls/ inspections through pro-active HSE management. More information about Ekornes’ statement of equality and non-discrimination for the legal companies Ekornes AS, J E Ekornes AS and Ekornes Beds AS in Norway is available from the company’s website www.ekornes.com/en/people.

Mottok Mangfoldsprisen for 2021
Ekornes received the Diversity Prize for 2021 in Møre og Romsdal county, for “the conscious work to exploit the potential of diversity - for the benefit of both the company and employees with a multicultural background” – jury description.
Ekornes supply chain governance
Ekornes works systematically with its value chain pursuant to its Supplier Code of Conduct (Ekornes Supplier Code of Conduct). The Code includes a requirement for suppliers to have management systems that ensures compliance with the Code. The Code specifies requirements relating to compliance with internationally recognized principles for labour, such as health and safety, freedom of association and collective bargaining, child labour, forced labour, as well as requirements for minimum wages, working hours and regular employment. The Code covers key human rights principles such as no tolerance for discrimination and inhumane treatment, as well as anti-corruption and bribery provisions. Every year all suppliers are risk and precision evaluated. The supplier risk assessment is a part of the basis for the annual supplier audit programme. These audits are social audits which reflects upon the Ekornes Supplier principles and the Ekornes code of conduct. Additionally, Ekornes performs specific due diligence analysis on the different materials, such as wood materials.

Partnerships for the goals
Through the UN Global Compact, the Ekornes Group is determined to conduct a sustainable manufacture of durable products. To ensure that our products are completely safe, our suppliers are prompted to comply to these regulations through our supplier principles. Striving to comply with these regulations gives us the security that our quality products are in compliance with the strictest requirements and regulations.
UN Sustainability goal number 17 is an important goal for Ekornes. Working together for better sustainable solutions. Ekornes is currently a member/ participating in the following arenas