Ever since Jens Ekornes founded Ekornes in Sykkylven more than 80 years ago, robust materials and quality craftsmanship have been top priorities. We have always aimed to make products that last for generations. Today, this is more important than ever before.
We are members of the UN’s Global Compact initiative. This is a voluntary scheme, whose members undertake to implement 10 principles for responsible business practice. These cover labour rights, human rights, the fight against corruption, and sustainable production that protects the environment.
All areas of our operation shall abide by the following core tenets:
Ekornes shall be an environment-friendly company. Its products shall cause the least possible harm to the environment.
Ekornes aims to minimise workplace health risks.
Ekornes invests to avoid harm to health and the environment.
Environmental information shall be publicly available, for example through Environmental Product Declarations (EPD).
Ekornes shall openly communicate relevant information about how the company is fulfilling its environmental responsibilities.
Our valuechain
Read our statement in accordance with the Transparency Act HERE
- Code of Conduct for the Ekornes Group
Ekornes Supplier Code of Conduct - Major incidents: Information to neighbours of the J.E.Ekornes AS Ikornnes facility regarding safety and notification